Designing information exchange
based on ISO 20022
We have designed messages and processes from various business domains and are well aware of the features of building ISO 20022 messages and typical business processes in different areas. Based on our experience, we will offer you our vision of which message options for building information exchange should be taken from the standard, and which ones should be developed from scratch.

Typical documents that we provide on the result of our activities include:
* message formats in tabular form and in the form of XML schemas (XSD);
* regulations of information exchange, containing requirements for the sequence of message exchange;
* a set of artifacts for performing logical control (XSLT files or Java modules).

The set of documents can be adjusted according to your wishes. Please contact us for advice on this matter.
Consulting on the application of
messages in information systems
Implementing ISO 20022 messages is more complex than designing them. Our experts will advise you on issues related to:
* transfer technology (web services, file exchange),
* providing cryptographic functions (signing, encryption),
* sending large messages,
* notification of errors in processing and with error handling.

This will enable you to provide end-to-end message processing to get the most out of your implementation.

For complex systems, our specialists will help you design an effective solution architecture that will ensure the greatest return on implementation and realize the maximum possible period of its use.
Support in the implementation of information systems
Often, when implementing information exchange, the development team has questions about the features of the designed messages. For example, the rules for filling in the requisites or questions about the sequence of messaging.
However, more complex questions may arise that require either redesigning message formats or making changes to existing information systems. We can take full responsibility for advising the development team and ensure that the result is an effective and ISO 20022-compliant solution.
Rest assured that we will not leave you alone with the complex challenges that pose the challenge of implementing the ISO 20022 standard. The most effective way to start implementation work is to train your specialists at the start of the project.

During the most popular, two-day course, our experts will not only talk about the non-obvious features of the ISO 20022 standard, but on your examples, they will offer options for solving complex problems. For example, frequently asked questions are how to implement a standard, one at a time or in parts, convert messages from legacy formats, or design messages from scratch. We have answers to any questions related to the implementation of the ISO 20022 standard. We will be happy to share our experience in this area.
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